Donald Trump Handshake Deny Gif Funny

I'm going to level with you: I've been terrified of President Donald Trump in the past. I wasn't always a fan of his demeanor or even his prospective policies.

His adult children seem to be thrilled to have the opportunity to use their father's presidency to push their own brands.

Trump himself has a murky record when it comes to separating from his own investments and then there's that whole tax records thing.

And as I've stated in previous articles, I'm not a fan of his cabinet picks.

Lastly, he just scares the bejesus out of me!


He promised to create new jobs in the United States. And HE HAS!

Let me explain.

NBC's Saturday Night Live has had their BEST season in years. Why? Because Donald Trump provides great source material. Plus, President Trump used to BE on NBC. Coincidence? I think not!

Then there's the plethora of friends I have that are in the comedy industry.

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Breaking into comedy is probably one of the hardest jobs. I mean, yes, there's doctors and lawyers and teachers, but all you have to do is study and pass exams. Comedians have to be FUNNY, and that's not something you can learn in a text book, people!

But with President Donald J. Trump in office for the next 4 to 8 years, I now have an entire group of friends who will be employed, even if they do lose their day jobs due to his expected cutbacks, and policies, and random vetting/deporting.

He's only been in office a few weeks, and I already see a difference in my Facebook news feed and Twitter. Before, it was all doom and gloom.

Not anymore!

Now, I can pretty much guarantee waking up to not only HILARIOUS tweets from the president himself, but his alt-right friends too, like Milo Yiannopoulos. Actually, maybe not Milo! Sorry!

Talk about making lemonade out of lemons, am I right?

So, I want to thank the President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, for supporting job creation at a time when people are scared and nervous.

You keep doing you, Trump; you really are making America (or at least Twitter) great again!

In honor of the man we call Commander in Chief, I have compiled a list of the very best, most funny Donald Trump memes on the interwebs. Enjoy!

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Who wore it better?

Photo: CBSNews

best Donald Trump hair meme

Foreign policy? Mess with the United States & there will be hell toupee.

Photo: Paste Magazine

Best Donald Trump Toupee Meme

"There's nobody bigger or better at the military than I am." - Donald Trump
Got four medical deferments to get out of Vietnam

Photo: Imgflip

Donald Trump meme best military

Orange is the new black.

Photo: Clipart Fest

Donald Trump meme orange is the new black

If I had a penny for every time Donald Trump said something stupid, I would have a small loan of a million dollars.

Photo: Wordpress

funny Donald Trump stupid meme

Talking Straight Outta His Ass

Photo: Nairaland

Donald Trump meme straight outta

Marco, stop trying to confuse the people with FACTS.

Photo: The Odyssey Online

Funny Donald Trump meme on facts

2016: Trump won't be elected.
2017: Trump can't do that, can he?
2018: Are you watching the Hunger Games? I hope my district wins.

Photo: Imgflip

Funny Donald Trump Hunger Games meme

Elsa, do you wanna build a wall?

Photo: Clipart Fest

Best Donald Trump meme Frozen Build A Wall

3 Reasons To Move To Mexico, Instead of Canada If Trump Wins
1. Tacos.
2. It's warmer there.
3. You'll literally have a wall separating you from Donald Trump.


funny Donald Trump meme Mexico

I believe in traditional marriage. I've had three of them!

Photo: Ebaums World

Funny Donald Trump meme : marriage

Donald Trump: Wall Cop

Photo: Pinterest

Funny Donald Trump wall meme

If ignorance is bliss, this is the happiest man on the planet.

Photo: MyTechRef

Best Funny Donald Trump memes

Just promise me one thing Putie-puu ... that you'll still respect me tomorrow

Photo: YouTube

Funny Donald Trump Putin meme

Donald Trump: Handshake? Justin Trudeau: Nah.

Photo: Twitter

Justin Trudeau Donald Trump meme shaking hands

Talk to the hands.

Photo: Wordpress

Funny Donald Trump meme : Hands

Take my tiny hand and together we'll destroy America.

Photo: Imgflip

Best Donald Trump meme : Destroy America

I have so many words. I have the best words.

Photo: Pinterest

Funny Donald Trump meme : Best Words

You have now entered The Alternative Facts Zone.

Photo: Pinterest

Best Donald Trump meme : Alternative facts

Super Lyin' Fragile Racist Whiny Braggadocious

Photo: Pinterest

funny Donald Trump meme : Mary Poppins


Photo: Pinterest

Best Donald Trump funny meme : Stop tweeting

I finally understand why all of the Trump women stand like this.

Photo: Pinterest

funny Donald Trump pussy meme

Threat Level: ORANGE

Photo: Pinterest

Funny Donald Trump orange meme

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